
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Behind The Scenes

A few days ago my oldest daughter was talking about what she wants to be when she grows up with her Nanna (grandmother). She ultimately decided she wants to catch bugs for a living. She learned that entymologists study bugs but decided she didn't want to study them, she just wants to catch them. This decision came after she decided she no longer wanted to make movies. She said, "I really want to make movies when I grow up, but that might take too long. When we made that little movie with daddy it took a looong time." Then she learned that real movies can take up to a year to make before they are released. So, she said she couldn't do that.

We watch movies but rarely think about all the hard work that goes into making that 2 hours of video. There are hundreds of specialists spending thousands of hours doing what they do best. Most of them are never seen in their work but their skill adds to the quality of what is seen.

I thought about this as I read Hebrews 1 this morning. The chapter is about the superiority of Christ over all created beings. The last verse reminded me of something that brought my heart to worship our Triune God for the awesome way he works in my life and yours.

Speaking of the role of the subordinate role of angels the author says:

Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14)

So, the picture is that like all the specialists working behind the scenes to make a movie great, God has commissioned angels to work in the unseen realm in our lives. Their focus is ultimately to help us realize the fullness of the power and presence of Christ. It is a mind-blowing thing to try to understand what is going on that we cannot see. Remember Elisha and the chariots of fire in 2 Kings 6. Elisha prayed that he servant's eyes would be opened to what was going on behind the scenes. They were and he was amazed. God opened the eyes of my mind today and reminded me that he has created and commissioned angels to serve and fight for us to know the salvation of God in Christ. I don't know what they are up to at this moment but I know they are sent by God for you and me. When you feel like nothing is happening or things just aren't going well. Remember God's got this and his specialist are working diligently behind the scenes to display the glory of God through your life to all who will watch it.

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